Solar Panels and Battery Storage for Home

Cut Energy Costs, Cut Carbon: Solar Solutions for For Your Home.

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Home Solutions

Solar panels for homes offer an excellent opportunity to save money, and at TJS Solar, we stand as your trusted ally in selecting the ideal system to meet your energy requirements.

Your journey is our passion, and we're dedicated to assisting you in lowering energy expenses, freeing up resources for other aspects of your life

Why should I Get Solar and Battery Storage?

Save 70% - 100% On Your Monthly Energy Bills.

By harnessing the power of solar energy, you can significantly reduce, and in many cases eliminate, your reliance on traditional grid electricity. Solar panels generate electricity from sunlight, providing a clean and renewable source of energy for your home. With proper sizing and installation, solar panels can cover a substantial portion, if not all, of your household electricity needs.

Export Power To The Grid & Get Paid.

At TJS Solar, we empower homeowners to become active participants in the renewable energy ecosystem by enabling them to export excess solar power to the grid and earn valuable incentives.

Through a process known as net metering or feed-in tariffs, homeowners can feed surplus electricity generated by their solar panels back into the grid. This excess energy is then credited to their utility bill or compensated at a predetermined rate, effectively allowing homeowners to offset their electricity costs and even generate additional income.

Increase Your Home Price (2-4%)

Installing solar panels and battery storage systems can significantly enhance the value of your home. Studies have consistently shown that homes equipped with solar energy systems command higher selling prices and attract more potential buyers in the real estate market.

Charge Your EV Car For Free With Your PV.

At TJS Solar, we offer an integrated solution that allows homeowners to harness the power of solar energy not only to power their homes but also to charge their electric vehicles for free.

With a solar photovoltaic system installed on your property, you can generate clean and renewable electricity directly from the sun. By pairing your solar panels with an EV charger, you can conveniently charge your electric vehicle using the power generated by your PV system, effectively eliminating the cost of fuelling your car with traditional fossil fuels.

Quick and Easy Quote, Installation in Under 4 weeks.

At TJS Solar, we understand that time is of the essence when it comes to installing solar and battery storage systems for your home. That's why we've streamlined our process to ensure a seamless and efficient experience from quotation to installation, all within a timeframe of under 4 weeks.

Our expert team of solar professionals is committed to providing prompt and reliable service, starting with a quick and hassle-free quotation process. Simply reach out to us with your energy needs and property details, and we'll conduct a comprehensive assessment to tailor a customized solution that meets your requirements.

Once you've approved the quotation, our experienced installers will schedule your installation at a time that's convenient for you. With meticulous planning and efficient execution, we'll have your solar panels and battery storage system up and running in no time, typically completing the installation within 4 weeks from the initial consultation.

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint.

At TJS Solar, we're committed to helping homeowners reduce their carbon footprint and combat climate change by transitioning to clean, renewable energy sources.

By installing a solar photovoltaic (PV) system on your property, you can significantly reduce your reliance on fossil fuels and decrease the amount of greenhouse gas emissions generated from traditional electricity generation. Solar energy is a clean and sustainable alternative to conventional energy sources, harnessing the power of the sun to produce electricity without emitting harmful pollutants or greenhouse gases.

How Will Solar Help You?

Never again pay the full amount for your energy bill.

Despite the energy price cap measures implemented by the government, uncertainty about energy prices beyond April 2024 remains high. Take control of your energy costs and eliminate uncertainty by switching to TJS Solar today to save money.

Boost Your Home’s Value

With 69% of homebuyers seeking properties with solar power, seize this opportunity to distinguish your home in the market and sell effortlessly.